Hints & Tips
CLOTHING: Any clothing already on hangers can remain on them as we will provide specialised wardrobe cartons into which these clothes will be packed. All other items of clothing should be packed into suitcases.
ACCESS: Access to and from the doorway of your home is critical for our vehicles, please explain to your neighbours in advance that a large vehicle will be parked outside your home and possibly cause some degree of inconvenience to them. Similarly inside your home please ensure that passageways and staircases are left completely clear for our moving teams.
HI-FI/VIDEO EQUIPMENT: This type of equipment is best moved in its original packaging.
CHINA/GLASS/ORNAMENTS & BOOKS Generally, chests of drawers containing clothes can be moved full. China, glass, ornaments and books can be left in the cupboards and on shelves if we have quoted for a packing service, however it is the customers responsibility to check all cupboards have been emptied.
FOOD: Food cannot be removed into storage. When forming part of a direct removal from one home to another, care should be taken to ensure that all packets, together with lids on jars and screwed tops on bottles are secured with tape.